Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Oil spikes as US hikes sanctions on Russia & more
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Driving home for Christmas... (petrol prices edition)
Season's greetings dear readers. Many of you may be driving home for Christmas and looking forward to the New Year, with perhaps that most famous of Chris Rea songs playing on the radio.
That's because crude oil prices are at their lowest for nearly three years too, owing to lower demand (mainly from China), higher supply (largely from the US) and a stronger dollar (courtesy of the US Federal Reserve).
Here are your truly's observations on the current market permutations via Forbes, and why lower prices may last well in to 2025.
From a UK perspective, at the time of writing this blog, a litre of petrol would set you back on average by 135p (US$1.70), and sub 130p if you happen to a Costco member. In fact, lower prices at the pump are being replicated across Europe.
And average US prices are pretty low this festive season as well, with a gallon of petrol going for $3.145 this week, counting in regional fluctuations around the mark. That's $0.83 per litre or 66p - a price, as always, many in Europe can only dream of!
On that note, it's time to take your leave for the festive week. The Oilholic will be back in Jan. And wherever you are driving or travelling to (or not driving or travelling at all), be safe and merry. Here's wishing you all a great Christmas & a Happy New Year! The Oilholic will be back in Jan, after the holidays.
Keep reading, keep it here, keep it 'crude'!
Saturday, November 30, 2024
OPEC and the oil price floor
For the Oilholic, the now not-so-new Brent price floor is at $70 that OPEC appears to be protecting, although the producers' group rarely publicly comments on oil prices.
In the face of subdued global, especially Chinese, demand growth, working to protect a price level rather than market share isn't quite working either.
Brent has seen a steady decline over the last six months to the end of the year from $85 down to $75 to ultimately encountering resistance at $70.
The market share versus price quandary is continuing for OPEC+ with no end in sight and perhaps no unanimity within its ranks on how to deal with it.
All the while rising numbers of non-OPEC, especially US, barrels continue to hit the market. Overall, the situation is that at present, and going well in to H1 2025, there is very little appetite for additional barrels from any source, let alone OPEC+ barrels.
Chances are OPEC+ will keep its cuts in place for another few months whenever a formal meeting takes place to decide on near-term production levels in December. But while it can potentially avoid actions to oversupply the market, will non-OPEC producers do so? Most likely, no. So, lower for longer does appear to be the order of the day. And were OPEC+ and the Saudis to discard their output curbs and trigger a market tussle, a decline to $50 Brent prices cannot be ruled out.Moving on from oil market chatter, yours truly recently discussed COP29 shenanigans on TRT World (clip here), wrote concluding thoughts on the climate change conference for Forbes (article here), and offered one's take on London's AIM-listed energy minnow Afentra (LON: AET) for Motley Fool (article here). That's all for the moment folks. Keep reading, keep it here, keep it 'crude'!
Wednesday, August 07, 2024
Stock market carnage wobbles oil bulls' stance
Wednesday, July 03, 2024
Oil heading to $90, renewables in Japan & more
It's been a hectic few weeks in the energy markets over the course of which oil prices have acquired a bit of buoyancy. Its something they briefly lost last month following the OPEC+ meeting. Brent crude futures currently sit just a few dollars south of $90 per barrel level, having dropped below $80 in early June.
While global crude demand permutations haven't materially altered, there is renewed optimism over lower interest rates in key markets. That and higher demand projections in Asian markets, especially India, appear to be supporting prices. This sets the stall for relatively higher crude prices as we enter the first month of the second half of the year.
All things staying even, the Oilholic would argue there is now a near-term case for $90 Brent crude prices. However, defending price upticks beyond the level would prove tricky, given the fact that crude supplies, especially those of light sweet non-OPEC crude, remain on a solid footing.
This kerfuffle over Japan's future energy mix has been going on since the Fukushima tragedy in 2011, and has been further complicated by readily available and competitively priced LNG.
Japan continues to trail the G7 in terms of renewables. However, while still using coal as a power generation source, Japan is not expanding usage in the same way as India and China are. Overall, a renewables capacity target in excess of 360GW by 2035 looks very ambitious. However, never discount Japanese ingenuity for getting things done!
Elsewhere, here is one of the Oilholic's missives from late June on why the world needs to nurture sustainable entrepreneurship for Forbes (click here), and another one on why green hydrogen's fate in a net zero economy hinges on upscaling for Energy Connects (click here).
Finally, on the eve of the UK's general election, here are this blogger's thoughts on how the outcome will impact the country's energy industry. Regardless of whoever wins, looks like UK Energy Inc may be stuck between a rock and hard place! That's all for the moment folks. More musings to follow soon. Keep reading, keep it here, keep it 'crude'!
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Oil market's OPEC meeting tantrum & global LNG
The figure includes 3.66 million bpd of group-wide cuts and "voluntary cuts" by eight members of 2.2 million bpd. They include Saudi Arabia, Russia and six others - Algeria, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates.
The latter cuts were due to expire at the end of June 2024 while the group-wide ones were due to end in December 2024. Following a part-online, part-physical meeting, OPEC+ extended the cuts of 3.66 million bpd until the end of 2025. But it only prolonged the cuts of 2.2 million bpd by three months until the end of September 2024. After which these voluntary cuts will be gradually phased out over the course of a year from October 2024 to September 2025.
As the markets opened for trading the following, a crude carnage ensued with Brent shattering its $80 per barrel floor and heading lower to $77. While the OPEC+ decision can be construed as bearish, it wasn't the only reason for the slide in prices. As this blogger told Reuters, a number of factors came into play and OPEC's mild surprise merely served as a catalyst. Economic uncertainties persist both in US and China - the world's two leading crude consumers. Neither country offered consistently positive data the month before.
Both the IEA and OPEC have now revised their demand growth forecasts lower, albeit to varying degrees. The IEA's (at 1.1 million bpd) is half of what OPEC now predicts (2.2 million bpd). Traders looked at all that and went net short for the week.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
The mad first month of crude trading year 2024
As the first month of the current oil trading year nears its end, the Oilholic's thoughts on the direction of crude prices hasn't materially altered. We're likely to see prices oscillate in the range of $70 and $85 per barrel in 2024, using Brent as a benchmark. And that's because the bearish bias in wider market fundamentals remains the same in a different trading year, despite all the geopolitical flare-ups we've seen October. We'll touch on those later in this blog. However, admittedly it has been the maddest possible start to trading.
Feeling the pulse of the market and tepid demand, the Saudis made two profound short- and medium-term decisions. The first came early in the month after Aramco - the Saudi state-owned behemoth - announced a cut to official selling prices (OSPs) for all regions, including lucrative Asian markets, for several crude grades. These included Aramco's flagship Arab Light crude oil. Aramco said cuts in Asia would be as high as $2 per barrel versus the Dubai Oman regional crude benchmark from January levels.
The Saudis, having voluntarily cut their headline production down to 9 million barrels per day (bpd), want to make sure every single drop of it gets sold in a competitive market receiving plenty of barrels, especially of US light crude.
The second move came late-January, after Aramco said it was stopping its expansion plans and concentrating on a maximum sustained capacity of 12 million bpd. This immediately generated headlines along the lines of the Saudis acknowledging the end of oil, which, as the Oilholic said via market commentary on several broadcasters, is a load of rubbish.
Aramco plans to finish the oilfields it has started - namely Berri (250,000 bpd), Dammam (75,000 bpd), Marjan (300,000 bpd) and Zuluf (600,000 bpd). There's only one project cancellation and the company intends to let some other existing fields decline. So with respect, it is nothing more than a pragmatic business move faced with changing medium- to long-term demand in a market the Saudis hope to tap with aplomb for as long as they can.
Away from Saudi moves there were geopolitical flash points aplenty. But none of these managed to move the oil price quite like they used to back when US crude barrels weren't keeping the global markets honest. Following weeks of attacks by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels on energy and commercial shipping in the Red Sea, the US and UK pounded Houthi positions and infrastructure. The Houthis vowed a response and their sporadic attacks on shipping continued.
Then on January 28, after over 170 drone and missile attacks on US bases in Syria, Jordan and Iraq since October by Iran-backed proxies in the Middle East, one got through and killed three service personnel. The US' imminent response is to be expected and could mark a dangerous escalation. Where this goes is anybody's guess. But an attack by the US on Iranian soil appears unlikely. (Should it happen, and its hasn't since the 1980s, we could see crude prices around the $90s).
As things stand, crude prices remain range bound. January offered precious little to alter this despite it being one of the most volatile starts to a trading year. Well that's all for now folks. More market thoughts to follow. Keep reading, keep it here, keep it 'crude'!
Thursday, October 19, 2023
'Crude' chat with Afentra Plc CEO Paul McDade
Here are some thoughts via Forbes on what may or may not move the risk premium needle, and it must be noted that crude benchmarks are still way short of the perma-bull pipedream level of $100 per barrel.
As volatility bites, what do industry operators do to cut out the noise? The Oilholic recently turned to one industry stalwart for his thoughts on the near to medium-term direction of the crude market and approach to a volatile pricing environment - Paul McDade, CEO of West Africa focussed Afentra Plc (LON: AET), and former boss of Tullow Oil.
According to McDade there's no such thing as an optimum or ideal oil price. "I often get asked what is the right oil price assumption for my business, and my answer is wherever our carefully considered hedging strategy takes us. I place a lot of faith in hedging because we operate in a cyclical industry.
"We see hedging [or shall I say our hedging program] not as a tool for market bets but rather as a form of business insurance, and it all depends on the payback period. If the payback period is a year, you are OK to assume a base of $80 per barrel. But if its five years you would be crazy not to be a little bit conservative, workout what does the downside looks like and be prudent."
More generally speaking, McDade is bullish on the oil price for 2024 and indeed the next five years. "However, there will always be market noise and volatility that's typically associated with our industry. So if you ask me, could oil slip down to $60 per barrel at some point in 2024? Yes that's likely, but the upside would ultimately go further."
To read the Oilholic's full interview with McDade for Forbes, and learn more about Afentra's journey please click here. More on market developments to follow over the weekend, but that's all for now folks. Keep reading, keep it here, keep it 'crude'!
Monday, September 18, 2023
Oil in the $90s, Reimagining BP without Looney & more
Should we therefore conclude that a return of $100 oil prices is imminent for the first time since July 2022 despite a high interest rate climate, tepid economic activity in China and wider consumer anxiety? The short answer is - yes (barring an unforeseen macroeconomic upheaval), and particularly so, for global proxy benchmark Brent.
In fact, the question right now shouldn't be whether oil will get to $100 levels, but rather whether it would stay there? Of that, one is not too sure. Current price levels of futures contracts six month out point to a different story, and different a demand (and supply) dynamic for Q2 2024. Here are the Oilholic's thoughts on market direction via Forbes.
Away from the direction of the oil price, the market for blue chip energy stocks got a shock after BP's social media loving CEO Bernard Looney suddenly resigned late on Sept 12 over his failure to fully disclose details of "past relationships" with colleagues! What might follow next for BP could be pivotal - will it continue down the path set by Looney or mark a return in focus to core oil and gas operations? (More here.)
Finally, this blogger also found the chance for two exclusive Forbes interviews earlier this month with Jim Johnson, CEO of engineering group Hunting Plc, and Christopher Hudson, President of dmg events. Click on the hyperlinks above should you wish to read these. But that’s all for now, for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it crude!
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Crude oil stuck in the $80s, Europe's LNG woes & more
Away from crude prices, here are some thoughts on the Europe's LNG woes, the jet fuel market and the rapidly dwindling 'war windfall' of oil and gas majors. Away from musings on Forbes, the Oilholic is busy getting back on the speaking circuit, resuming dialogues with energy industry movers and shakers for market insights, offering analysis on international broadcasts, and more. All in all - it's been a hectic four weeks. But fear not, blogging here will also pick up pace shortly. Just getting a few things on track for the exciting road ahead. That's all for now folks! More soon! Keep reading, keep it 'crude'!
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Oil will rally in 2021 but joy would be short-lived
However, as a new trading year beckons, it is best cut out the din, and trade both the direction of the oil market as well as energy stocks with a level head. First off, all the doomsday oil demand decline scenarios from earlier in the year, of as much as 20 million barrels per day (bpd) on 2019 levels, simply did not materialise.
The actual figure is likely to be shy of 9 million bpd, which, while wiping out nearly a decade's worth of demand growth on an annualised basis, is nowhere near as catastrophic. Economic signals point to a rebound in post-pandemic demand when human mobility, consumption and core economic activity, especially in East Asia and the Indian subcontinent begin a rapid bounce back in 2021.
So what of the oil price? Using Brent as a benchmark, the Oilholic envisages a short-lived bounce to $60 per barrel before/by the midway point of the year, and on the slightest nudge that civil aviation is limping back to normal. However, yours truly firmly believes it won't last.
That's because the uptick would create a crude producers' pile-on regardless of what OPEC+ does or doesn't. Say what people might, US shale isn't dead and there remains a competitive market for American crude, especially light sweet crude, that will perk up in 2021.
Other non-OPEC producers will continue to up production on firmer oil prices as well. And finally, a Joe Biden White House would bring incremental Iranian barrels into play even if the return of the Islamic Republic's barrels is more likely to be a trickle rather than a waterfall. All of the above factors will combine to create a sub-$60/bbl median for the demand recovery year that 2021 will be. And the said price range of $50-60 will be just fine for many producers.
As for energy stocks, who can escape the battering they took in 2020. By the Oilholic's calculations, valuations on average fell by 35% on an annualised basis, and nearly 50% for some big names in the industry.
However, based on fundamentals, where the oil price is likely to average in 2021 (~base case $55/bbl), portfolio optimisation and an uptick in demand, yours truly expects at least a third of that valuation decline to be clawed back over the next 12 months. And depending on how China and India perform, we could see a 15-20% uptick.
Of course, not all energy stocks will shine equally, and the Oilholic isn't offering investment advice. But if asked to pick out of the 'crude' lot – the horses yours truly would back in 2021 would be BP and Chevron. That's all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it 'crude'! Here's to 2021!
Saturday, April 04, 2020
A catalogue of ‘crude’ missives on oil market turmoil
- With whole countries in lockdown mode, forecasters now reckon a fifth of global crude demand could be wiped out - Forbes, Mar 26, 2020.
- The Oilholic's thoughts on why a resurrection of OPEC+ would be too little, too late for the oil market - Forbes, Mar 27, 2020.
- Oil futures are in record contango - Forbes, Mar 29,2020.
- Oil benchmarks ended Q1 2020 around 66% lower and lack of storage space is becoming apparent - Forbes, Mar 31, 2020.
- US shale explorer Whiting Petroleum becomes the first casualty of the current oil price slump as it files for bankruptcy - Forbes Apr 1, 2020.
- Moody's announces series of predictable negative outlooks on major oil and gas companies - Forbes, Apr 1, 2020.
- How Saudi belligerence has pushed VLCC rates to comedic highs - Rigzone, Apr 1, 2020.
- And finally, how a Donald Trump tweet sent oil futures soaring but the gains are unlikely to last - Forbes, Apr 2, 2020.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Solid crash course on global oil markets & trading
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Various media missives on energy market
Friday, May 31, 2019
That over 10% slump in oil price
Trump’s trade war rhetoric is a factor in oil demand, but other concerns over the global economy are rightfully cancelling supply constriction arguments https://t.co/7zBKGmM5Fn pic.twitter.com/GWtEMAPROW— Forbes (@Forbes) May 31, 2019
With Venezuela in free-fall and its oil production well below 1 million barrels per day (at 768,000 bpd in April) - not much remains to be said. In any case, the US will be importing less and less crude from Latin America not what happens in Caracas, given uptick in its shale-driven output.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
New avenues for 'crude' analysis
- Energy Post: Commentary on energy sector investment in blockchain - January 23, 2019 (Behind Paywall / Subscribers' login)
- Rigzone: Commentary on direction of the oil price in 2019 - January 28, 2019
- ReachX: Podcast with Paul Welch, CEO of North Africa focussed independent upstart SDX Energy - January 22, 2019
Monday, December 31, 2018
Year-end benchmark Friday closing levels chart
That's all for 2018 folks, lets see what 2019 brings. Keep reading, keep it 'crude'!
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To email: gaurav.sharma@oilholicssynonymous.com
Chart: 2018 Friday closing levels of oil benchmarks © Gaurav Sharma 2018.
Friday, December 07, 2018
OPEC/Non-OPEC cut at 1.2m bpd; Iran's smiling
To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.
To follow The Oilholic on Google+ click here.
To follow The Oilholic on Forbes click here.
To email: gaurav.sharma@oilholicssynonymous.com
© Gaurav Sharma 2018.
Thursday, December 06, 2018
OPEC's 'Crude' Basket & Last Friday's close

To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.
To follow The Oilholic on Google+ click here.
To follow The Oilholic on Forbes click here.
To email: gaurav.sharma@oilholicssynonymous.com
© Gaurav Sharma 2018. Graph 1: OPEC Crude Oil Price Basket (YTD December 2018), Graph 2: Friday benchmark closes to November 30, 2018 © Gaurav Sharma 2018.
First quips & intraday soundbites from OPEC 175
Saudi #Oil Minister @Khalid_AlFalih insists no formal dialogue with US over #oil production levels, says there is appetite to 'reduce' production, dialogue not just about what #Russia & Saudi Arabia want #OOTT #oilandgas #OPEC pic.twitter.com/1yUgk8MKQO— Gaurav Sharma (@The_Oilholic) December 6, 2018
#UAE will not use its spare crude production capacity to distort the #oil market, says @HESuhail #OOTT #oilandgas #OPEC pic.twitter.com/C5aVrK1oXU— Gaurav Sharma (@The_Oilholic) December 6, 2018