
Thursday, October 05, 2023

ADIPEC Day IV: Reflections at sunset in Abu Dhabi

The final and fourth day of ADIPEC 2023 has reached its conclusion as the sun sets here in Abu Dhabi with the show on a likely track to beat all its previous records (and quite possibly way more than the figure of 160,000 attendees it marketed). 

And that makes sense, as there is likely to be immense interest and intrigue when you bring together the various energy strands of oil, natural gas and renewables; and discuss everything from power markets to the future of shipping, whilst at the same time deliberate the obvious need to decarbonise. 

We came together on day one with the rallying cry of "Decarbonising. Faster. Together", we conclude proceedings perhaps with a call for evolution, understanding and collaboration. 

Evolution, as we explore new horizons offered by the spirit of human ingenuity in coming up with solutions for a low carbon economy. Understanding, that oil and gas will have to play a role for a good few decades yet, if not more, to ensure that energy poverty doesn't become the by-product of a slapdash rush to decarbonise. As for collaboration, need the Oilholic spell it out? Because if we don't work together, collaborate, partner and prepare for the road ahead, we will fail. 

Away from these pensive thoughts, this blogger also took time out on the final day to visit ADIPEC's wonderful Marine & Logistics Zone. It's here that the crew of ADNOC's support shipping fleet took one around a number of vessels currently being run on biodiesel, made from used and recycled cooking oil collected from restaurants around Abu Dhabi! Thank you to all the crew who spared their valuable time for the trip, and it was an experience the Oilholic will treasure. 

With the time of departure here, this blogger would like to say that it was great to be back at ADIPEC after a three-year hiatus caused by the briefest of forays into the world of banking. It was great seeing old friends and making new ones in the buzz of this amazing event once again, and a privilege to be a part of it. Finally, and most importantly, my sincere thanks to the amazing team at dmg events who made it all happen and for their most wonderful hospitality. 

Well that's a wrap from Abu Dhabi folks. It'll be time for the big flying bus home to London Heathrow. Keep reading, keep it here, keep it 'crude'!

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© Gaurav Sharma 2023. Photo: Sunset over Abu Dhabi NEC, the venue of ADIPEC 2023 © Gaurav Sharma 2023.

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