
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

He’s making an inventory, checking it twice...

Full of festive cheer, he’s making a crude inventory, checking it thrice, gonna find out whose Iranian (sorry naughty) and nice – Saudi oil minister is coming to town. Nah, not really! 

For what it’s worth Khalid Al Falih actually turned up pretty late on Tuesday, just on the eve of the 171st OPEC Ministers' meeting. Having initially told a Saudi newspaper, an Opec production cut may not be needed, speaking at a pre-conference media scrum, Al-Falih said a deal could be done and would need wider cooperation within OPEC.

Separately, Suhail Al Mazroui, oil minister of the United Arab Emirates, told yours truly, for an IBTimes UK interview, that the ongoing OPEC meeting was not a make or break scenario for the oil market.

Al Mazroui admitted the last few months had seen “intense” negotiations, but added that: "However, from all signs I have seen, things are positive." 

We shall see. The Oilholic believes a final decision would go right down to the wire, and puts the chance of an agreement only at 50%. Watch this space! More from Vienna shortly folks! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’!

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© Gaurav Sharma, November 2016. Photo: Khalid Al-Falih, Oil Minister of Saudi Arabia, speaks to reporters at the 171st OPEC Ministers' Meeting in Vienna, Austria on 30 November, 2016 © Gaurav Sharma, 2016.

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