
Monday, February 29, 2016

Fitch joins Moody’s in cutting oil price estimates

Barely a month after Moody’s drastically revised its oil price assumptions, rival Fitch Ratings followed suit last week. Writing to clients, Fitch said its new base case is for Brent and WTI oil prices to average $35 per barrel in 2016. 

It had previously expected oil to average $45 per barrel. However, Fitch’s long-term base case price assumptions remain unchanged at $65 per barrel. The ratings agency said its drastic revision was down to a combination of stock build-up over the mild winter, higher-than-expected OPEC production in January and increasing evidence that global economic growth for the year will be weaker than previously forecast.

“This suggests there will still be a supply surplus in the second half of 2016, albeit reduced from current levels, and that markets will probably only reach a balance in 2017. Even then, very high inventories will limit price increases,” Fitch added.

In light of recent volatility, Fitch’s reworking of price assumptions is hardly a surprise, and on Jan 21st rival Moody’s had done likewise. The latter lowered its 2016 price estimate for both Brent WTI to $33 per barrel.

In Moody’s case, for Brent, it marked a $10 per barrel reduction from the rating agency's previous estimate, and for WTI, a $7 reduction. It currently expects both benchmark prices to rise by $5 per barrel on average in 2017 and 2018. The move also represented Moody’s second revision is as many months, having already slashed estimates back in December.

Terry Marshall, Senior Vice President at the ratings agency, said, "OPEC countries continue high levels of production in the battle for market share, contributing to the current oil glut despite moderate consumption growth by key consumers such as China, India and the US.

“In addition, we expect the rise in Iranian oil output this year to offset or exceed production cuts in the US."

So more cheer for the bears it seems, but little else. Volatility is likely to persist until June, but for the record, the Oilholic expects a very gradual climb in the oil price towards $50 per barrel from then onwards, as one wrote in a recent Forbes column. That’s all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’!

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© Gaurav Sharma 2016. Photo: Oil production facility © Cairn Energy

Monday, February 22, 2016

Get used to crude swings & volatility

Oil markets are likely to face further bouts of volatility. When Saudi Arabia and Russia, together with Venezuela and Qatar, offered the false hope of a so-called production freeze packaged in the shape of market support last week, the Oilholic wasn't the only one who did not buy it.

Predictably, oil futures rose by over 7% towards the middle of last week, but rapidly slipped into negative territory as Iran, while welcoming the move, did not say whether it would participate. In any case, the move itself was a farce of international proportions.

The Russians can’t raise their production further, while the Saudis have little exporting to room to justify a further output hike. So for market consumption it was packaged as a freeze, subsequently undermined by both countries who said they had no intentions of cutting production. It might well have been the first joint move on output matters between OPEC and non-OPEC producers, but it virtually came to naught.

Unless a clear pattern of production declines appears on the horizon, market volatility will persist. That sort of clarity won’t arrive at least before June, with swings between $25-40 likely to continue, and yes a drop to $20 is still possible.

OPEC will need to announce a real terms production cut of 1.5 million barrels per day to make any meaningful short-term difference to the oil price by $7-10 per barrel, and even that may not be sustainable with non-OPEC producers likely to be the primary beneficiaries of such a move.

Expect more of the same, and more downgrades of oil and gas companies by ratings agencies of the sort the market has gotten used to in recent months. After Fitch Ratings downgraded Shell last week, Moody’s moved to place another 29 of its rated US exploration and production firms on review for downgrade over the weekend.

Meanwhile, the latter also said continued low oil prices could have an increasingly negative impact on banks across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). This could occur both directly - by a weakening in governments' capacity and willingness to support domestic banks - and indirectly, through a weakening of banks' operating conditions, Moody’s added.

Khalid Howladar, senior credit officer at Moody's, said, "Despite low oil prices and a high dependency on oil revenues across the GCC countries, banks' ratings in the region continue to benefit from their governments' willingness to tap accumulated wealth to support counter-cyclical spending."

But continued oil price declines signal "increasing challenges" to the sustainability of this dynamic, he added.

Finally, some news from the North Sea to end with – Genscape has flagged up the shutdown and restart of BP’s 1.15mn bpd Forties Pipeline System in a note to clients. It caused the April ICE Brent futures contract price to spike before falling slightly on February 12, but nothing to be overtly concerned about.

The system was shut due to an issue at the Kinneil fractionaction terminal, located where the flow from the North Sea on the Forties pipeline system is stabilised for consumption. Elsewhere, North Sea E&P firm First Oil is reportedly filing for involuntary administration, according to the BBC.

Enquest and Cairn Energy will takeover its 15% stake in Kraken field, east of Aberdeen in the British sector of the North Sea. That’s all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’!

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© Gaurav Sharma 2016. Photo: Oil rig in the North Sea © BP

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ho hum moves for fewer oil drums

In case you have been on another planet and haven’t heard, after weeks of chatter about coordinated oil output cuts by OPEC and non-OPEC producers, we finally had some movement. The Oilholic deploys the word 'movement' here rather cagily.

Three OPEC members led by heavyweight Saudi Arabia, with Qatar and Venezuela in tow, joined hands with the Russians, to announce a production ‘freeze’ at January’s output levels  on Tuesday, provided ‘others’ agree to do likewise. 

The most important others happen to be Iraq and Iran who haven’t exactly come out in support of the said freeze just yet. Even if they do agree, or in fact all OPEC members agree, the freeze would come at production levels deemed to be historical highs for both the Russians and OPEC. In case of the latter, industry surveys and data from aggregators as diverse as Platts and Bloomberg points to all 12 exporting OPEC nations collectively pumping above 32 million barrels per day.

Predictably, the oil futures market treated the news of the 'freeze' with the sort of disdain it deserved. The price remains stuck in the range where it has been and short-term volatility is likely to last; so much of what transpired was, well, exceedingly boring from a market standpoint, excepting that it was the first instance of OPEC and non-OPEC coordinated action in 15 years. 

If OPEC really wants to support prices, an uptick in the region of $7-10 per barrel would require the cartel to introduce a real terms cut of 1.5 million bpd. Even then, the gains would short-term, and the only people benefitting would be North American players. Some of them are the very wildcatters, whose tenacity for surviving when oil is staying ‘lower for longer’, OPEC has so far failed to work out with any strategic coherence. Expect more of the same in a market that's still awash with crude oil. 

Finally, just before one takes your leave, it seems Moody's has placed on review for downgrade the Aa3 ratings of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Sinopec Group, Sinopec Corp, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC Group) and CNOOC Limited.

The ratings agency has also placed on review for downgrade the ratings of the Chinese national oil companies' rated subsidiaries, including Kunlun Energy Company Limited, CNPC Finance (HK) Limited, CNPC Captive Insurance Company Limited, CNOOC Finance Corporation Ltd, and Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited.

In a statement, Moody’s said global rating actions on many energy companies, reflect its efforts to "recalibrate the ratings in the energy portfolio to align with the fundamental shift in the credit conditions of the global energy sector." Can’t argue with that! That’s all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’! 

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© Gaurav Sharma 2016. Photo: Oil exploration site in Russia © LukOil

Friday, February 12, 2016

Are you serious Mr President?

Ah, the joys of the oil market! Yet another day of volatility is all but guaranteed. Nearly a fortnight into February, it’s increasingly looking like how it was in January, and how it’s likely to be in March - an uptick of 2-6% followed by a slump of 2-6% in headline oil futures prices on repeat mode.

In the meantime, we have descended into the realm of the ridiculous. If you believe market chatter – it goes something like the Russians will cut oil production, only if the Saudis agree. They’ll cut only if the Iranians agree, who say it’s the Saudis and their allies who should make room for additional Iranian production. 

It is manifestly apparent, that should there be a coordinated OPEC and non-OPEC oil production cut excluding Canada and the US, the only producers to benefit would be the ones in North America. Such a cut would at most provide a short-term bounce of $7-10 per barrel, enabling shale producers, who were coping and managing just fine at $35 per barrel, to come back into the game and hedge better for another 12-18 months, as one wrote on Forbes. 

The Oilholic suspects both Russian and Saudi policymakers know that already. Which is why, it is a borderline ridiculous idea for parties who know very well that the market will take its own course, and any attempts to manipulate it artificially could have the very opposite effect some in OPEC such as Nigeria and Venezuela are hoping for. 

Meanwhile, each US oil inventory update makes Brent and WTI dance. With the latter currently below $30 barrel, US President Barack Obama has come up with his own sublime contribution to a ridiculous market. 

News emerged earlier this week that Obama has proposed a $10.25 per barrel levy on oil extracted in the US! According to Treasury projections, the levy, which would be applied to both imported and domestically-produced oil but won’t be collected on US oil shipped overseas, would raise  $319 billion over 10 years.

The plan would temporarily exempt home-heating oil from the tax. According to Obama, it "creates a clear incentive for private sector innovation to reduce America's reliance on oil and invest in clean energy technologies that will power our future."

The levy would be collected from oil companies to boost spending on transportation infrastructure, including mass transit and high-speed rail, and autonomous vehicles. However, noble the intention might be, its timing, execution and rate cap are completely barmy. In fact so barmy, the President knows there is no chance a Republican-controlled Congress would pass it. 

Without going into a costing analysis, oil companies would (a) be hit hard, and (b) almost certainly attempt to pass it over to consumers. Domino effect in terms of jobs and consumer spending adds another layer, making it extremely unpopular. So only a President who has no more elections to fight can come up with such a policy at such a time for the industry! That’s all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’! 

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© Gaurav Sharma 2016. Photo: White House, Washington DC, USA © Gaurav Sharma, April 2008.