
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A festive spike, ratings agencies & Omani moves

It's the festive season alright and one to be particularly merry if you'd gone long on the price of black gold these past few weeks. The Brent forward month futures contract is back above US$110 per barrel.

Another (sigh!) breakout of hostilities in South Sudan, a very French strike at Total's refineries, positive US data and stunted movement at Libyan ports, have given the bulls plenty of fodder. It may be the merry season, but it's not the silly season and by that argument, the City traders cannot be blamed for reacting the way they have over the last fortnight. Let's face it – apart from the sudden escalation of events in South Sudan, the other three of the aforementioned events were in the brewing pot for a while. Only some pre-Christmas profit taking has prevented Brent from rising further.

Forget the traders, think of French motorists as three of Total's five refineries in the country are currently strike ridden. We are talking 339,000 barrels per day (bpd) at Gonfreville, 155,000 bpd at La Mede and another 119,000 bpd at Feyzin being offline for the moment – just in case you think the Oilholic is exaggerating a very French affair!

From a French affair, to a French forex analyst's thoughts – Société Générale's Sebastien Galy opines the Dutch disease is spreading. "Commodity boom of the last decade has left commodity producers with an overly expensive non-commodity sector and few of the emerging markets with a sticky inflation problem. Multiple central banks from the Reserve Bank of Australia, to Norges bank or the Bank of Canada have been busy trying to mitigate this problem by guiding down their currencies," he wrote in a note to clients.

Galy adds that the bearish Aussie dollar view was gaining traction, though the bearish Canadian dollar viewpoint hasn't got quite that many takers (yet!). One to watch out for in the New Year! In the wind down to year-end, Moody's and Fitch Ratings have taken some interesting 'crude' ratings actions over the last six weeks. Yours truly can't catalogue all, but here's a sample.

Recently, Moody's affirmed the A3 long-term issuer rating of Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (TAQA), the (P)A3 rating for TAQA's MYR3.5 billion sukuk  programme, the (P)A3 for TAQA's $9 billion global medium-term note programme, the A3 rated debt instruments and the P-2 short-term issuer rating. Baseline Credit Assessment was downgraded to ba2 from ba1; with a stable outlook. It also upgraded the issuer rating of Rosneft International Holdings Limited (RIHL; formerly TNK-BP International) to Baa1 from Baa2.

Going the other way, it changed Anadarko's rating outlook to developing from positive. It followed the December 12 release of an interim memorandum of opinion by the US Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York regarding the Tronox litigation.

The agency also downgraded the foreign currency bond rating and global local currency rating of PDVSA to Caa1 from B2 and B1, respectively, and maintained a negative outlook on the ratings. Additionally, it downgraded CITGO Petroleum's corporate family tating to B1 from Ba2; its Probability of Default rating to B1-PD from Ba2-PD; and its senior secured ratings on term loans, notes and industrial revenue bonds to B1, LGD3-43% from Ba2, LGD3-41%.

Moving on to Fitch Ratings, given what's afoot in Libya, it revised the Italy-based Libya-exposed ENI's outlook to negative from stable and affirmed its long-term Issuer Default Rating and senior unsecured rating at 'A+'. 

It also said delays to the production ramp-up at the Kashagan oil field in Kazakhstan were likely to hinder the performance of ENI's upstream strategy in 2014. Additionally, Fitch Ratings affirmed Shell's long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'AA' with a stable outlook.

Moving away from ratings actions, BP's latest foray vindicates sentiments expressed by the Oilholic from Oman earlier this year. Last week, it signed a $16 billion deal with the Omanis to develop a shale gas project.

Oman's government, in its bid to ramp-up production, is widely thought to offer more action and generous terms to IOCs than they'd get anywhere else in the Middle East. By inking a 30-year gas production sharing and sales deal to develop the Khazzan tight gas project in central Oman, the oil major has landed a big one.

BP first won the concession in 2007. The much touted Block 61 sees a 60:40 stake split between BP and Oman Oil Company (E&P). The project aims to extract around 1 billion cubic feet (bcf) per day of gas. The first gas from the project is expected in late 2017 and BP is also hoping to pump around 25,000 bpd of light oil from the site.

The oil major's boss Bob Dudley, fresh from his Iraqi adventure, was on hand to note: "This enables BP to bring to Oman the experience it has built up in tight gas production over many decades."

Oman's total oil production, as of H1 2013, was around 944,200 bpd. As the country's ministers were cooing about the deal, the judiciary, with no sense of timing, put nine state officials and private sector executives on trial for charges of alleged taking or offering of bribes, in a widening onslaught on corruption in the sultanate's oil industry and related sectors.

Poor timing or not, Oman ought to be commended for trying to clean up its act. That's all for the moment folks! Have a Happy Christmas! Keep reading, keep it 'crude'!

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© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: Oil Rig © Cairn Energy.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Of inequalities, debt, oil & international finance

Rewind the clock back to the morning after the collapse of Lehman Brothers; the Oilholic remembers it vividly. The world's fourth-largest investment bank at the time ran out of options, ideas, saviours and most importantly - working capital - on that fateful morning in September 2008. However, when filing for bankruptcy, it committed one final blunder. The administrators and liquidators - spread as far and as wide as the investment bank's own global operations - failed to coordinate with each other.

Uninstructed, the London administrator froze the bank's assets and panic ensued as investors started pulling out money from all investment banks; even those few with no question marks surrounding them. It was the moment the US sub-prime crisis became a global financial malaise that nearly took the entire system down. 

Since the episode, several books have been written about the when, where, why and how; even what lead to the crisis and the inequity of it all has been dealt with. However, via his book Baroque Tomorrow, Jack Michalowski has conducted a rather novel examination – not just of the crisis alone, but also of our economic health either side of it, the proliferation of international finance and consumer driven innovations.

His claim about our present reality is a bold and controversial one – that virtually every element of the story of the past four decades points to a structural decline, one that's rooted, as in all other historical declines, in massively growing populations faced with declining innovation and lack of new energy converters or new cheap energy sources.

Drawing interesting parallels with what happened in Renaissance and Baroque Europe, Michalowski opines that the so-called Third Wave visions of mass affluence and broad technological progress hailed by Alvin Toffler and other futurists were just a fantasy.

In his book of just under 360 pages, split into four parts, Michalowski writes that in a world where political programmes last only until the next election; progress is flat or worse still non-existent. That all innovations are driven by returns on the money invested, and the major life-changing ones that propelled us onwards and upwards from the Industrial Revolution are already with us. What has followed in their wake are fads delivered to a consumer-led debt-laden world with rising levels of energy consumption. 

According to Michalowski, history proves that we were only rescued from decline and propelled along a new path by the invention of new energy sources and new energy converters – things like agriculture, sailships, windmills, iron ploughs, combustion engines, trains, cars and airplanes, or nuclear reactors – and never by invention of new information processing technologies. IT advances, he argues, usually come late in the historical cycle.

On reading this book, many would remark that the author is over-simplifying the complex issues of innovation, progress and prosperity (or the lack of). Others would say he is bang on. That's the beauty of this work – it makes you think. For this blogger – it was a case of 50:50. There are parts of the book the Oilholic profoundly disagrees with, yet there are passages after passages, especially the ones on proliferation of international finance centres, debt, hydrocarbon usage and pricing, that one cannot but nod in agreement with. 

Perhaps we are wiser in wake of the financial crisis and have turned a corner. That may well be so. But here's a tester – drive away from the glitzy Las Vegas Strip to other parts of the city where you’ll still see streets with plenty of foreclosed homes. Or perhaps, you care to visit the suburbs of Spanish cities littered with incomplete apartment blocks where developers have run out of money and demand is near-dead. Or simply check the inflation stats where you are? And so on.

In which case, is Michalowski wrong in assuming that there is a "de-education and de-skilling of the rapidly pauperizing middle class and dramatic polarization of the society between rich and poor. Very high levels of inequality are proven by history to be absolutely destructive. As malaise sets in, they become a major contributor to decline."

Some of the author's thoughts are hard to take; some of the dark quips – especially one describing Dubai as a Disneyland for grown-ups – make one smirk. None of his arguments are plain vanilla, but they make you turn page after page either in agreement or disagreement. You'll keep going because the book itself is very engaging; even more so in a climate of persistent inflation and stagnant real incomes. 

Michalowski says that unless current trends change dramatically, the next forty years will bring more of the same. If so, we are looking at an entire century of decline in incomes and living standards or a "true Baroque era." Now, whether one buys that or not, the way the author has used history to make a statement on the macroeconomics of our time is simply splendid and a must read.

The Oilholic is happy to recommend it to peers in the world of energy analysis, economists and social sciences students. Even the enthusiasts of digital media might find it well worth their while to pick this book off the bookshelves or download it on their latest gizmo.

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© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: Front Cover – Baroque Tomorrow © Xlibris / Jack Michalowski

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

OPEC holds quota at 30 mbpd, El-Badri stays on

We’ve been here before dear readers, we’ve been here before. Main headline at the conclusion of the 164th OPEC conference here in Vienna is a familiar one. OPEC’s production quota stays at 30 million barrels per day and Secretary General Abdalla Salem El-Badri – long overdue to step down – stays on in his post, as member nations torn between Iranian and Saudi tussles fail to agree on a candidate for the post. So at the end of it all a battle-weary El-Badri, took the stage as usual. Not entirely bereft of a sense of humour, the secretary general had a few quips, the odd joke, brushed off scribes pokes to say that the cartel had considered the global economic outlook which remains “uncertain with the fragility of the Euro-zone remaining a cause for concern.”
“We was also noted that, although world oil demand is forecast to increase during the year 2014, this will be more than offset by the projected increase in non-OPEC supply. Nevertheless, in the interest of maintaining market equilibrium, the OPEC decided to maintain the current production level of 30 million bpd.”
In taking this decision, OPEC said it had reconfirmed its members’ readiness to swiftly respond to developments which could have an adverse impact on the maintenance of an orderly and balanced oil market.
El-Badri's tenure as Secretary General carries on for a period of one year, with effect from January 1, 2014. As the Oilholic noted in an earlier post, OPEC had a chance to send a message but missed a trick here. Despite the threat of incremental non-OPEC barrels, it failed to present a united front leaving El-Badri to carry the can in front of the world’s press and fly the OPEC flag.
The man himself though had a thing or two to say or avoid saying. Coming on the latter bit first, El-Badri declined comment on what increasing Iranian production would mean for the overall production quota. He also described incremental non-OPEC supply as "good for global consumers", acknowledged OPEC’s concerns about shale and said he was monitoring the supply side situation.
Yet later, he cut short an analyst’s question saying people should not “exaggerate” the impact of incremental or additional project barrels. “You keep going down this track and very soon you will see both prospective and thriving E&P jurisdictions lose their appetite for investing in new fields and enhancing existing facilities.” The Oilholic thinks the Secretary General has a point, albeit the point itself is a bit exaggerated.
One key theme to emerge was that OPEC members’ focus for exports was firmly to the East now. Several delegates and El-Badri himself acknowledged that supplies heading to the US – especially from Nigeria, Angola and Venezuela – were being diverted to far Eastern markets. The US it seems “wasn’t a priority” for OPEC in the first place; it’s even less so now. That's your lot from OPEC HQ! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’!
To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.
© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: OPEC Secretary General Abdalla Salem El-Badri at the conclusion of 164th OPEC meeting of ministers in Vienna, Austria © Gaurav Sharma December 4, 2013.

The acknowledgement: OPEC flags-up US output

There should be no shock or horror – it was coming. Ahead of taking a decision on its production quota, president of the 164th OPEC conference Mustafa Jassim Mohammad Al-Shamali, who is also the deputy prime minister and minister of oil of Kuwait, openly acknowledged the uptick in US oil production here in Vienna.
“In the six months that have passed since the Conference met here in Vienna in May, we have seen an increasingly stable oil market, which is a reflection of the gradual recovery in the world economy. This positive development stems mainly from a healthy performance in the US, in addition to the Eurozone countries returning to growth,” Al-Shamali told reporters in his opening remarks.
It follows on from an acknowledgement by OPEC at its last summit in May about the impact of shale, which up and until then it hadn’t. But the latest statement was more candid and went further. “Non-OPEC oil supply is also expected to rise in 2014 by 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd). This will be mainly due to the anticipated growth in North America and Brazil,” Al-Shamali added.
You can add Canada and Russia to that mix as well even though the minister didn’t.
Turning to the wider market dynamics, Al-Shamali said that although the market had started to gradually emerge from the tough economic situation of the past few years, the pace of world economic growth remains slow. “Clearly, there are still many challenges to overcome.”
Finally, a few footnotes before the Oilholic takes your leave for the moment. Here is the BBC’s take why OPEC is losing control of oil prices due to US fracking – not entirely accurate but largely on the money. Meanwhile, Nigerian oil minister Diezani Alison-Madueke has just told Platts that her country supports OPEC’s current 30 million bpd crude output ceiling, at least for the next few months until the group's next meeting.
Alison-Madueke also said she was keen to see how OPEC saw the impact of the US shale oil and gas boom on itself. "We would like to see that we continue with volumes we have held for the last year or so at least between now and the next meeting. I think that would be a good thing. We would like to see a review of the situation referencing the shale oil and gas to see where we are at this stage as OPEC among other things."
Earlier, the Saudi oil minister Al-Naimi poured cold water over the idea of a production cut lest some people suggest that. He sounded decidedly cool on the subject at this morning's media scrum. So that’s three of the ministers saying the quota is likely to stay where it was. The Oilholic would say that removes all doubt. That's all from OPEC HQ for the moment folks, more from Vienna later as we gear up for an announcement! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’! 
To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.
© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: OPEC media briefing room, Vienna, Austria © Gaurav Sharma 2013.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

OPEC's politics is the main show, not the quota

The Oilholic finds himself in a decidedly chilly Vienna ahead of the 164th meeting of OPEC ministers. This blogger's correspondence on all crude matters from the lovely capital of Austria goes back a good few years and to the old OPEC HQ.

However, in all these years of journeying here from London, there has been one constant - nearly every leading financial newspaper one could pick up at Heathrow Airport carried a report about expectations from the ministers' meeting ahead of the actual event taking place. Yet this morning, most either didn't flag up the meeting or had a perfunctory brief on it. The FT not only omitted a report, but with eerie symmetry had a special report on the future of NAFTA containing an article on shale transforming North American fortunes!

There is clear sense of anti-climax here as far as the decision on the production quota goes. Analysts think OPEC will hold its quota at 30 million barrels per day (bpd), traders think so too, as do "informed sources", "sources close to sources", "sources of sources", etc, etc. Making it even more official, Algerian oil minister Youcef Yousfi has quite candidly told more than one scribe here today that quota fiddling was unlikely.

So why are we all here? Why for the sideshow of course! Silly you, for thinking it was anything but! Only thing is, cometh the meeting tomorrow - it's going to be one hell of a sideshow. Weaved into it is the Oilholic's own agenda of probing the hypothesis of the incremental barrel a bit further.

For not only are additional barrels available globally owing to a decline in US imports courtesy shale, Iraq - which hasn't had an OPEC quota since 1998 - is seeing a massive uptick in production. Additionally Iran, apart from being miffed with Iraq for pumping so much of the crude stuff, could itself be welcomed back to market meaningfully over the coming months, adding its barrels to that 'crude' global pool.

While that is likely to take another six months at the very least - the Iraqis are pumping on regardless. You wouldn't expect anything else, but it has made Iran's new oil minister Bijan Zanganeh come up with the crude quote of the month (ok, last month) when he noted: “Iraq has replaced Iran's oil with its own. This is not friendly at all." Yup, tsk, tsk not nice and so it goes with the Saudis, who pumped in overdrive mode when the Iranians were first hit by sanctions in 2012.

To put things into context, without even going on a tangent about Shia-Sunni Muslim politics in the Middle East, Iraqi production has risen to 3 million bpd on the back of increasing inward investment. On the other hand, Iran has seen stunted investment following US and EU sanctions with production falling from 3.7 million bpd to 2.7 million bpd as the move hit it hard in 2012. Even if the Iranians go into overdrive, reliable sources suggest they'd be hard pressed to cap 3.5 million bpd over the next 12 months.

As for the Saudis, they have always been in a different league vying with Russia (and now the US) for the merit badge of being the world's largest producer of the crude stuff. Meanwhile, the price of Brent stays at three figures around US$111-plus - not a problem for the doves such as Saudi Arabia, but not high enough for the hawks such as Venezuela.

The Oilholic seriously doubts if political problems will be ironed out at this meeting. But what's crucial here is that it could mark a start. Can OPEC unite to effectively manage the issue of both its and the global pool's incremental barrels in wake of shale and all that? Appointing a new secretary general to replace Libya's Abdalla Salem el-Badri would be a start.

El-Badri is long due to step down but has carried on as the Iranians and Saudis have tussled over whose preferred candidate should be his successor. The quota decision is not the main talking point here, this OPEC sideshow most certainly is, especially for supply-side analysts and students of geopolitics. That's all from OPEC HQ for the moment folks, more from Vienna later! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’! 

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© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: OPEC flag © Gaurav Sharma 2013.

Monday, November 25, 2013

A chat at Platts, ‘LHS’ & the Houston glut

The 'Houston glut debate' gained further traction this summer as the metropolitan area has been a recipient of rising inland crude oil supplies heading towards the US Gulf Coast. New light and heavy grades of crude are showing up – principally from the Eagle Ford, Permian Basin, North Dakota and Western Canada.

The ongoing American oil production boom complements existing Texas-wide E&P activity which is getting ever more efficient courtesy horizontal drilling. Yet, infrastructural impediments stunt the dispatch of crude eastwards from Texas to the refineries in Louisiana.

In fact, many analysts in Chicago and New York have long complained that Houston lacks a benchmark given it has the crude stuff in excess. It seems experts at global energy and petrochemical information provider Platts thought exactly the same.

Their response was the launch of the Platts Light Houston Sweet (or should we say ‘LHS’) in July. Nearly four months on, the Oilholic sat down with Platts Associate Editorial Director Sharmilpal Kaur to get her thoughts on the benchmark and more. So first off, why here and why now?

"We launched the new crude assessment this year as we felt it was finally time for a benchmark that reflected the local dynamic. I’d also say the US was ripe for a fresh benchmark and we went for one based on the price of physical crude oil basically FOB out of three major terminals in Houston."

These include Magellan East Houston Terminal, Enterprise Houston Crude Oil (ECHO) Terminal, and the Oil Tanking Houston Terminal – the location markers for the assessment. Kaur says as the Houston crude transportation infrastructure develops, Platts may consider additional terminals for inclusion in its LHS assessment basis.

Specifically, completion of the Kinder Morgan/Mercuria 210,000 barrels per day (bpd) rail terminal on the Houston Ship Channel could potentially provide another avenue for both WTI Midland and Domestic Sweet quality crudes to enter the Houston market.

The chances of Platts making a fist of LHS are good according to anecdotal evidence, especially as half of the supply side analyst community has been calling for such an assessment. The minimum volume considered by the information provider is 25,000 barrels, or 1,000 bpd rateable, in line with other US domestic pipeline grades.

Platts publishes LHS as a flat price; which is assessed using both fixed as well as floating price information. In the case of floating prices against WTI, Platts generally calculates the fixed price assessment using calendar month average (CMA) WTI or front-month WTI as the floating basis, depending on the WTI basis reported in bids, offers, and transactions.

In the case of light sweet price information reported against the Louisiana Light Sweet (LLS), Platts calculates the fixed price using LLS trade month. In the case of ICE Brent light sweet crude market, Platts calculates the resulting fixed price using an ICE Brent strip that reflects the value of ICE Brent for the relevant pipeline month. Additionally, in the absence of spot activity for light sweet crude in Houston, Platts will look at related markets such as WTI at Midland or WTI at Cushing and adjust its daily LHS assessment accordingly.

That absence won’t be all that frequent as the Houston crude oil distribution system looks set to receive new supplies of over 1.7 million bpd in terms of pipeline capacity delivering into the region by the end of June 2014.

A regional trading market for producers and dispatchers selling the crude stuff to Gulf Coast refiners is well past infancy. Kaur reckons Houston’s spot trading market could rival those at Cushing, Oklahoma and St. James, Louisiana. (See Platts map illustrating the area’s crude oil storage and distribution projections on the right, click to enlarge).
So far so good, but in the ancillary infrastructure development and supply sources to Texas, does Kaur include Keystone XL at some point in the future?

"Yes, the pipeline extension will be built and despite the uptick in US crude oil production remains as relevant as ever. There are facets of Keystone XL which are hotly contested by those for and against the project – from its job creation potential to environmental concerns. My take is that Keystone XL would offer is incremental supply of heavy crude out of Canada that comes all the way down to the Gulf Coast and then gets blended."

"What’s produced domestically in the US (say in the Eagle Ford and Bakken) is light crude. What Gulf Coast refiners actually like are heavier crudes blended to form a middle blend. Canadian crude has started pushing out the Latin American crudes and the reason for that is pure pricing as Canadian crude is cheaper than Latin American crude. That trend is basically continuing…it’s why the pipeline extension was planned, and why every refiner in Houston will tell you its needed. President Barack Obama will get there once the legacy component of Keystone XL has been worked out."

As for the hypothesis that Canada may look elsewhere should the project not materialise, Kaur doesn’t quite see it that way. Simple reason is that the Americans know the Canadians and vice versa with very healthy trading relations between the two neighbours for better parts of a century.

"China as an export market is an option for Canada. It’s being explored vigorously by Canadian policymakers – but I see two impediments. Pulling a pipeline from Alberta to British Columbia in order to access the Chinese market via the West Coast won’t be easy. It will, as Keystone XL will, eventually get built, but not overnight. Secondly, the Chinese have diversified their importation sources more than any other country in the world – OPEC, Latin America, West Africa and Russia, to name a few."

Furthermore, US crude imports from West Africa are on the decline. That cargo has to go somewhere and industry evidence suggests its going to China, followed by Japan and to a much lesser extent India.
"The Indians would like to get their hands on Canadian crude too – no doubt about that; but logistics and cost of shipping complicates matters. A simple look at the world map would tell you that. Don’t get me wrong; China needs Canadian exports, but given the global supply dynamic Canada probably needs China more as a major export market."

In sync with what the ratings agencies are saying, Kaur sees also E&P capex going up over the next two to three years. "Most IOCs and NOCs see it that way. If you drove through exploration zones in the Bakken Shale, you’d be a busy man counting all the logos of oil & gas firms dotting the landscape, ditto for the Canadian oil sands where foreign direct investment is clearly visible."

Sharmilpal Kaur, Associate Editorial Director, Platts
The Platts expert flags up a fresh example – that of Hess Corporation which recently sold its US trading operations to Centrica-owned Direct Energy.

"Here is a company indicating quite clearly that it’s selling up the trading book and using that money to invest in Bakken wells as well as globally. Right now, in terms of E&P – the market is so lucrative, with an oil price level to sustain it, that people are making sure they find the capex for it and in many cases preferably from their balance sheets." The integrated model is not dead yet, but IOCs holding refineries on their balance sheet have clearly indicated that their priorities are elsewhere.

"You see ageing refineries in trouble within the OECD; at least 15 have faced problems in Europe owing to overcapacity. Yet China, India and Middle East continue to build new refineries – often out of need."

"China has indicated that it wants to be a regional exporter of refined products at some point. That’s a trading model it wants to adopt because it now has access to multiple crude oil supply sources. As a follow-up to its equity stakes in crude production sites, China now has ambitions and wherewithal of becoming a global refining power. In the Chinese government’s case – its need and ambition combined!"

The Oilholic and Kaur agreed that the chances of US crude oil ending up in the hands of foreign refiners, let alone Chinese ones, were slim to none for the moment. In the fullness of time, the US may actually realise it is in its own interest to export crude. Yet, given the politics it is still a question of 'if' and not an imminent 'when'. 

Hypothetically, should the US employ free market principals and export its light crude which is surplus to its requirements, but get heavier crude in return more in sync with its refining prowess – the exchange would work wonders.

"It could command a better price for its light crude and actually buy the heavier crude cheaper. My thinking is that the US would actually come out on top and the rest of the world would benefit too. Here we have too much light crude, the rest of the world craves it – so there’s the opportunity in theory. In the unlikely event that this was to happen, we would see a very different supply dynamic. Price spikes associated with disruptions - for example as we saw during the Libyan conflict in 2011 - would be mitigated," says Kaur

Nonetheless, even with a ban on crude oil exports, the US oil & gas bonanza has weakened OPEC. There are two ways of approaching this – concept of incremental barrels on a virtual supply ledger and the constantly declining level of US imports.

"As US imports decline, barrels originally heading to these shores will be diverted elsewhere. That’s where the US has a voice when it speaks to OPEC. Supply side analysts such as you are tallying US, Russia and [OPEC heavyweight] Saudi Arabia’s production level. Now add Canada, prospects of a Mexican and Iraqi revival, a gradual Libyan uptick and some semblance of a resolution to the Iranian standoff – then there’s a lot of it around and OPEC understands it."

While Platts does not comment on the direction of the oil price, what Kaur sums up above is precisely why the Oilholic has constantly quipped over the course of 2013 that a three-figure Brent price is barmy and unreflective of supply side scenarios in an uncertain macroeconomic climate. Blame the blithering paper barrels!

"At least, you can take comfort from the fact that the peak oil theorists have temporarily disappeared. I haven’t seen one in Houston for while," Kaur laughs. In fact, the Oilholic hasn’t either – in Houston and beyond. That’s all for the moment from Platts' Houston hub! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’!

To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.

© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo 1: Oil pipeline, Fairfax, Virginia, USA © O. Louis Mazzatenta / National Geographic. Photo 2: Sharmilpal Kaur, Associate Editorial Director at Platts © Gaurav Sharma. Graphic: Map of Houston crude oil storage and distribution © Platts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

‘Frackers’ & US coffers plus other crude matters

US Interior Secretary Sally Jewell should be a happy bunny this week say contacts in Houston town. In fact since morning, no fewer than nine have pointed this out to The Oilholic.

That is because Jewell's Interior Department has collected and disbursed over US$14.2 billion this week courtesy of a record royalties and fees windfall from oil & gas drilling on public land and US territorial waters for the fiscal year ending September 30. The figure is the second-highest collection on file and represents an annualised increase of $2 billion over the last fiscal year.

Fracking and horizontal drilling coupled with increasing interest in offshore E&P are being seen as the drivers. There is one caveat though, the figure does include proceeds of a bonus licensing bid in the Gulf of Mexico that took place in 2012, but was put on ledgers for 2013. In a statement, Jewell said, "The figure reflects significant energy production from public resources in the United States and serves as critical revenue stream for federal and state governments and tribal communities."

While the Interior Secretary stopped short of blessing the frackers, they are chuffed to bits and there is a fair bit of table thumping here. Let's also not forget that despite the frenetic pace of E&P activity in North Dakota, the state of Texas remains the country's largest producer of the crude stuff. That position is likely to be retained on account of fracking, enhanced oil recovery techniques being deployed, horizontal drilling and many established extraction sites that are chugging along nicely.

There is one positive domino effect which is largely going under the radar – Houston is leading the global race in the manufacture and shipping of oil & gas equipment manufacturing from blowout preventers to wellheads. Some of equipment can be loaded conventionally, but the rest – i.e. break bulk (heavy equipment which cannot be shipped in conventional containers) loading is also creating additional revenue streams in the state.

According to the Port of Houston, the facility handles nearly 70% of the US' entire break bulk cargo. Some here say jobs have more than doubled since 2005; Texas (along with North Dakota) also has the lowest unemployment rates in the country to brag about. Recent research conducted by McKinsey and IHS Global Insight came out bullish on the industry's long term potential for job creation – with both forecasting the creation of 1.7 million and 3.9 million jobs by 2020 and 2025 respectively.

Now that tells you something, especially as the US is poised to overtake Russia and Saudi Arabia and become the world's largest producer in barrels of oil equivalent terms. Strangely enough though, some of the majors such as Shell and BHP Billiton have apparently not got it right. The former has cut its shale production projections while the latter has put up half of its oil & gas land holdings right here in Texas as well as New Mexico for sale.

ExxonMobil's exit from shale exploration in Poland has also slightly dented the hypothesis of America exporting its nous on shale overseas. Some geologists have long warned that no one size fits all shale beds! Nonetheless, its early days yet on the knowledge export front at least.

Going beyond Texan borders, the positive impact of major upstream project start-ups on cash generation in the global integrated oil & gas industry in 2014-15, as well as continuing robust crude price conditions, have resulted in a change of outlook for the sector by Moody's to 'positive' from 'stable'. Up until this month, the ratings agency's outlook had been stable since September 2011.

Francois Lauras, senior credit officer in Moody's corporate finance group, said, "With crude prices set to remain robust, we expect that the start-up and ramp-up of major upstream projects over the next 12-18 months will benefit companies' production profiles and operating cash flow generation, and lead the industry's EBITDA to grow in the mid-to-high single digits year-on-year in 2014, albeit with more of the improvement showing in the latter part of the year."

"Downstream operations will remain under pressure, but EBITDA from refining and marketing operations will stabilise near their 2013 levels," he adds. Furthermore, Lauras feels that the global integrated oil and gas sector's capital investment in 2014 will remain close to its record levels of 2013.

The completion of the major upstream projects currently under construction will hold the key to the sector's return to positive free cash flow in the medium term. Integrated oil & gas companies will also continue to manage their asset portfolios actively and will execute further asset sales, supporting their financial profiles, Moody's concluded.

Finally, the Oilholic leaves you with glimpses of The Woodlands (see above, click to enlarge), a suburb of Houston, dedicated by none other than the late George Mitchell, a man credited for pioneering fracking.

Founded in 1974 as a largely residential area, today it houses commercial operations of many companies including those of a crude variety such as Anadarko, Baker Hughes and one GeoSouthern energy, a Blackstone Group backed company. It was one of the first to take a punt on the Eagle Ford shale prospection area and has just sold shale acreage to Devon Energy.

That's all for the moment from Houston folks! Keep reading, keep it 'crude'!

To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.

© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo 1: Pump Jacks, Perryton © Joel Sartore / National Geographic. Photo 2: Collage of The Woodlands, Texas, USA © Gaurav Sharma, November 2013.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Greening up the USA’s oil capital

The Oilholic finds himself in Houston, Texas once again, feeling the pulse of the oil & gas market and catching-up with contacts old and new. But on this latest visit, yours truly has also picked up a new whiff of green! It seems the US oil capital's efforts to lower its carbon emissions and flag up its green credentials are bearing fruit in more ways than one.

Some of the ongoing efforts are not immediately apparent to outsiders. For instance, energy efficiency codes for the city's many skyscrapers have been completely redrawn and revised upwards as the Oilholic realised after stepping inside a few and have it confirmed by contacts.

More importantly, despite the new codes being non-mandatory for commerical establishments, most – including some of the largest oil companies in the world with offices here – have adopted them up and down Main Street and beyond with much gusto.

Here is something even more surprising, and one had to double-check with the City's Directorate of Sustainability and a contact at the EIA – the Houston Metropolitan Area is indeed the USA's largest municipal purchaser of renewable energy. Furthermore, over a third of it is sourced locally from Texan wind farms whose state-wide number alone exceeds many European countries taken as a whole.

Moving on to efforts that are clearly apparent, the Oilholic noted a few this afternoon having criss-crossed Downtown Houston on foot going left on Dallas Street from Main Street, turning on to Bagby Street and then right back up on Prairie Street in the other direction. For starters, a bike sharing programme has been underway since May 2012. While still in its infancy, Houston's answer to London's Boris bikes is commendable.

Under so-called the Houston B Cycle initiative, riders can provide their details online, purchase and get on-ground bike shares in Downtown, Midtown and the Museum District. Even some of the docking stations are solar powered (see photo right). Away from the programme, the City of Houston offers over 300 miles interconnected bikeway network spanning across 500 square miles and most public transport vehicles are 'bike storage' friendly.

Moving on from two wheels to four, more than half of the 10 or so official city vehicles spotted by this blogger were – hear this – either electric or hybrid. Courtesy a partnership between the Downtown District, BG Group and Houston First Corporation, you can also see GreenLink buses zipping by (see below left). Around seven of these circle the Downtown area, running on CNG and you can ride on them for free!

Houston Metro's light rail line, started in 2004, is fast expanding and adding three new lines. A farmers' market comes into town every week to sell locally sourced produce. And finally, a chance encounter with a Centerpoint Energy engineer at a downtown bar, led to another discovery that 75% of the traffic lights in Houston use LED bulbs!  

The city's criss-crossing freeways, erratically scattered green spaces and rush hour traffic often disguise the effort it has made to go green over the last 10 years.

The fact that it is the USA's fourth largest city and its fifth largest metropolitan area (atop being Texas' largest) with some 6 million-plus inhabitants, makes the progress made even more noteworthy. In 1999, Houston was the city with the dirtiest air quality in the country; today it is outside the worst ten, according to the American Lung Association.

One mute point though, which makes a lot of this blog's Texan friends chuckle – it seems eight of the worst ten cities in terms air quality are from 'green' California. One apiece from Indiana and Pennsylvania make-up the rest! What the Oilholic has catalogued above has been achieved in a short space of a decade. So here's to the next ten say locals. That's all for the moment from Houston folks! More soon, keep reading, keep it 'crude'!

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© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo1:  Skyline of Downtown. Photo 2: Houston B Cycle docking station at Bayou Place. Photo 3: GreenLink buses collage, Houston, Texas, USA © Gaurav Sharma, November 2013.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Kurdish question & a ‘Dudley’ sin?

The autonomous region of Kurdistan within Iraq's borders is drawing 'crude' headlines yet again. It's that old row about who controls what and gives rights for E&P activity in the region – the Federal administration in Baghdad or the provincial administration in Erbil?
The historical context is provided by Gulf War I, when allied forces imposed a no-fly zone, and the Kurds subsequently pushed Saddam Hussein's forces back outside the provincial border. That was 1991, this is 2013 – a lot has changed for Iraq, but one thing hasn't – Iraqi Kurdistan is as autonomous today, as it was back then.
In fact, it is more prosperous and an oasis of calm compared to the rest of the Federal state. One simple measure is that the rest of Iraq ravaged by sectarian conflict and Gulf War II still only provides its citizens with about an average of 6 to 7 hours of electricity per day. The average resident of Erbil gets 22 hours and sees infrastructural spending all around, driven by targeted revenue from oil and gas licensing and exports.

Since 2006, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has been granting rights for exploration within its borders to firms from Norway to the US, with much gusto and on better terms, many say, than the Federal administration in Baghdad. The Iraqi government in turn says KRG has no right to do so.
Mutual consternation came to a head in January when BP and Baghdad reached an agreement to revitalise the northern Kirkuk oilfield. Since jurisdictional mandate over the oilfield and the city is hotly contested by both sides, KRG declared the deal to be illegal on grounds that it was not consulted.
Firing a return salvo, Iraqi Oil Minister Abdul Kareem al-Luaibi called the production and export of oil from Kurdistan to be an act of "smuggling" and threatened to cut the region's [17%] spending allocation from the federal budget as well as take legal action against Western firms digging up Kurdistan, beginning with London-listed Genel Energy (the first such firm to export from the region).

Neither Genel Energy nor the administration paid heed to that threat. Baghdad and BP did likewise with KRG's moans over Kirkuk. Then the US State Department issued an advisory to all American oil firms operating in Kurdistan that they could be liable for legal damages from Baghdad. Doubtless, the rather handsomely rewarded legal eagles at their end advised them not to worry too much.

An "as-you-were" lull lasted for roughly 10 months, when last week in an extraordinary development, Bob Dudley, CEO of BP, joined al-Luaibi and officials from the Iraqi state-run North Oil Company to pay a controversial visit to the Kirkuk oilfield in a show of support. Why Dudley took the decision to go himself instead of sending a deputy is puzzling and paradoxically a bit obvious as well.
In making an appearance himself, Dudley wanted to show how important the Kirkuk deal is. Yet a deputy of his would have drawn a similar two-fingered gesture from KRG, as his visit did. Playing it cool, a source at BP said its only intention is to revive production at Kirkuk, an oilfield which at the turn of millennium saw an output of 900,000 barrels per day (bpd), but can barely manage less than a third of it today.
BP has the technical know-how to improve the field's output, but how it will extricate itself from the quagmire of the area's politics is anybody's guess. An Abu Dhabi based source says both sides are entrenched at Kirkuk. BP will have access to the Federally-administered side of the Kirkuk field, namely the Baba and Avana geological formations. But one formation – Khurmala – is inside the Kurdish provincial borders and being is developed by the KAR group.
Furthermore, there is another twist in the linear fight between Baghdad and Erbil – Kirkuk's governor Najimeldin Kareem, a man of Kurdish origin, has backed the Federal deal with BP. Dudley left the oilfield without saying anything concrete on record, leaving it to the Iraqis to do most of the talking.
The Iraqi Oil Ministry chose to describe Kareem's backing "as securing the complete support from the local government of Kirkuk" in order to commence developing Kirkuk. Hmm…but whose Kirkuk is it anyway? The primary beneficiary of Kurdish oil exports is Turkey; the closest market where the aforementioned Genel Energy delivers most of its output to.
Where the tussle will lead to is unpredictable – but it hasn't deterred either BP from signing up a deal with Baghdad or the likes of ExxonMobil, Chevron and Total with Erbil. This brings us back to why Dudley went himself – well, when his peers such as Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil's boss, have showed-up in Erbil, there was perhaps little choice left. If the regional politics goes out of control, the bosses of oil firms would have only themselves to blame for getting so close to the Iraqi wrangles most say they are least interested in.
At the centre of it all is the thirst for black gold. KRG is providing generous production sharing and contract conditions within its autonomous borders, while Baghdad has quite possibly given equally generous terms to BP for Kirkuk. The oil major has already announced a US$100 million investment in the oilfield.
Giving KRG the last word in the verbal melee – in September 2012, even before the recent salvos had been fired in earnest and the CEOs had come calling, Ashti Hawrami, Minister for Natural Resources of KRG, said something rather blunt on BBC’s Hard Talk programme which explains it all: "To put it politely, if I have million barrels of oil to produce in two years time, the market needs it, Iraq needs it and at the end of the day we are going to win that battle."
There are 50 plus firms already helping him achieve that objective. With geological surveys projecting that Kurdistan potentially has 45 billion barrels of the crude stuff, many of these firms are working with the KRG contrary to advice given by their own governments.
And as if to rub it in further into his Federal counterpart, Hawrami quipped, "Kurdistan's investment and spending plans are more structured…Why is Baghdad buying F-16s when Iraqis have little more than 4 hours of electricity per day on average [much worse than the inhabitants of Iraqi Kurdistan]." OUCH!
Moving away from Iraqi politics, Brent's $106 per barrel floor has not only been breached, but was smashed big time last week. As noted, hedge funds are indeed feeling the pinch, for instance high-flier Andy Hall's $4 billion baby – Astenbeck Capital Management.
According to Reuters, Astenbeck is down 5% as of Oct-end, largely due to the slump in Brent prices. Even though Hall's team have diversified into palladium, platinum and soft commodities, it'd be remarkable if the fund is able to avoid its first annual loss in six years. However, one shouldn't be too hard on Astenbeck as the average energy fund on Chicago's Hedge Fund Research Index, is down 4.45%. That's all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it 'crude'!
To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.
© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: Exploration site in Kurdistan © Genel Energy plc

Monday, November 04, 2013

Crude reality: Time to short as bulls go lethargic?

Most of the Oilholic's contacts in City trading circles had been maintaining in recent months that a US$106 per barrel price would be the psychological floor to the year-end, barring bearish trends induced by a wider and unforeseen macroeconomic tsunami.

To be quite honest, the global economy is probably where it has been for a while – in a bit of a lull. So even though things are neither materially better nor all that worse, the level was still breached this Monday morning. Methinks there is going to be further selling and yet more shorting either side of the Atlantic.

Our old friends the hedge funds – held responsible by many for the assetization of black gold – certainly seem to think so. That's if you believe data published by ICE Futures Europe. It indicates speculative bets that the Brent price will rise (in futures and options combined), outnumbered short positions by 119,451 lots in the week ended October 29.

The London-based exchange says that's a reduction of 21% (or 30,710 contracts) from the previous week and the biggest drop since the week ended June 25. Concurrently, bearish positions on Brent outnumbered bullish wagers by 321,470; a 3.2% decrease in net-short positions from October 22. So there you have it!

On a related note, albeit for different reasons, the WTI also closed at its lowest since June 26. In fact the forward month futures contract for December shed as much as 55 cents to $94.06 at one point in intraday trading on Monday.

The Oilholic believes the prices aren’t plummeting; rather they are hitting a much more realistic level. Such a sentiment was echoed by two new supply-side contacts this blogger had the pleasure of running into at the UK business lobby group CBI's 2013 annual conference.

As 2014 is nearly upon us, Steven Wood, managing director (corporate finance) at Moody's, says oil prices should stay robust through next year. His and Moody's quantification of robustness for Brent, factoring in Chinese demand and tensions in the Middle East, stands at around $95 per barrel, and West Texas Intermediate "for slightly less, in the next one to two years."

"And with the worst behind the US natural gas industry, prices for benchmark Henry Hub will average about $3.75 per thousand cubic feet next year," he adds.

Additionally, the good folks at Moody's reckon the E&P sector's fortunes will continue to rise over the next year, with big capital spending budgets keeping fundamentals strong (also for the oilfield service and drilling sector).

One minor footnote though, even if it is still some way off – what if international sanctions on Iran get eased should relations between the Islamic Republic and the West improve? We could then see the Iran add over 750,000 barrels per day to the global oil output pool. Undoubtedly, this would be bearish for oil markets, especially so for Brent. The recent dialogue between both sides has made contemplating the possibility possible!

Away from price-related issues, if you needed any further proof of renewed vigour in North Sea E&P activity, then Norway's Statoil has announced it will go ahead with a decision to build a new platform at its Snorre field to extract another 300 million barrels of the crude stuff at an expense of £4.2 billion. This would, according to the Norwegian media, extend the project's lifetime to 2040.

Statoil will take a final decision on engineering aspects in the first quarter of 2015 with the platform scheduled to come onstream in the fourth quarter of 2021. The Norwegian firm owns 33.3% of the exploration project licence. Other shareholders include Petoro (30%), ExxonMobil (17.4%), Idemitsu Petroleum (9.6%), RWE (8.6%) and Core Energy (1.1%). That’s all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it ‘crude’!

To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.

© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: North Sea oil rig © Cairn Energy plc

Saturday, October 26, 2013

An ‘Atlas’ of e-learning for a contact sport

The Oilholic has had the pleasure of visiting quite a few E&P facilities over the years from offshore rigs to onshore gas fields. Going back roughly a decade, it wasn't uncommon [and still isn't] to see roughnecks in hard hats being given instructions ranging from operational to health and safety by a superior.

The mode of communication usually involved barking verbal instructions in highly colourful language with bulky printed training manuals on-hand containing everything from evacuation routes to rules and regulations. All of this has changed and rather dramatically, if one may add. What started as a slow, but sure, transformation at the turn of the millennium came in the form of former roughnecks and rig engineers imparting their wisdom for the benefit of budding on-site professionals via training courses using the electronic medium.
By 2006-07, e-learning provided by specialist providers had gained considerable traction in what is largely a contact sport. Among the stalwarts, in this relatively young but highly competitive market, is a part private equity-owned, part employee-owned educator headquartered in Aberdeen, Scotland called Atlas.
The firm came on the Oilholic's radar back in 2011 at the 20th World Petroleum Congress in Doha.  A further look into Atlas, at the suggestion of a banking sector contact, revealed a client portfolio of some of the biggest names in the business for a company which is less than 20 years old. IOCs aside, strikingly enough, this blogger found that a number of NOCs had also availed Atlas' service to give their workforces – as the educator's motto states – the "knowledge to perform."
For the sake of a crude analogy, the Oilholic quipped to Kevin Short, Director of Sales at Atlas, if they'd in fact become the Rosetta Stone of the oil & gas business. "I don’t think it is that simple, although our e-learning courses and industry solutions are indeed multi-linguistic," he laughs.
For Short, it's more about creating, marketing and selling virtual learning solutions aimed at "improving efficiencies while minimising operational and legislative risk". This could range from e-training courses for employees moving dangerous goods by air to a simple training solution for evacuating an E&P facility.
"There are industry standard courses available from our library; but more often than not, you'll find clients ordering bespoke solutions or an altered version of an existing training solution to suit their specific needs," Short explains.
There is no mystique about what Atlas provides and the company continues to record double-digit growth on an annualised basis, much to the delight of its PE owners [HG Capital] one assumes. Peer-to-peer contact and reviews have certainly been of immense help in achieving this – both in terms of retaining clients and bagging new ones. Over the years, Atlas has expanded to Dubai, Kuala Lumpur and Houston.
Understandably, the firm keeps abreast of new emerging techniques in the E&P sector, unconventional prospection activity and allied health and safety issues to come-up with e-learning options for clients.
However, the Oilholic put one caveat to Short – pros from Aberdeen who have gained expertise for better parts of four decades, especially on the health and safety front in wake of the Piper Alpha tragedy (1988), are also on the educating circuit from Dubai to Calgary and in great demand. So is Atlas toughing it out with them too?
"In a sense, perhaps yes. But in terms of the broader picture no! That's because we also work with some of these professionals a lot of the time and hire them as what we call 'Subject Matter Experts' to work on fresh concepts for courses and bespoke solutions for clients. What's good for them is good for Atlas and by default good for the commissioning client."
When it comes to fishing these guys out – networking, events, headhunting those with industry reputation and project-based demand all play a part. Such expertise has helped the company put together its patented Atlas Knowledge Centre – a 3,000 page grab of all of the company's core content. Akin to a virtual oil & gas knowledge encyclopaedia, it is made available to subscribers serving as a "refresher" or instant help-guide to learners.
But what about converting new clients around the e-learning viewpoint? Short says competency is key here. "We can help companies by ensuring that their recruits not only just sit the course but based on the information that's been given to them, they become competent to handle the tasks at hand. It is not just about providing reading and reference material but rather ensuring that the candidate is learning."
Atlas also has an advisory board to help it test run pilot courses and provide constant feedback. Last time the Oilholic checked, there were around 53 companies on board for such an exercise. Finally, the company is also rather careful in being shall we say 'electronic platform neutral'.
"If a client wants an e-learning solution to work on a BlackBerry we wouldn't urge them to adopt an Android OS system, or Apple OS. Ultimately, that's their call. We have a young team here who will tailor a course to the clients' IT requirements and subsequently licence it to them, rather than it being the other way around." A wise line to take indeed! That’s all for the moment folks! Keep reading, keep it 'crude'!

NOTE: November 1, 2013 - To read this blogger's interview with Atlas CFO Graeme Park for CFO World click here.
To follow The Oilholic on Twitter click here.
© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: Atlas HQ, Energy Park, Aberdeen, Scotland © Gaurav Sharma, October 2013.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The tale of Alberta's first commercial oilfield

A quaint town called Turner Valley in Alberta, Canada may not mean much to the current crop of oil and gas industry observers. However, it has a special place in British history as well as that of the industry itself. Back in 1914, the town acquired the status of Western Canada's oil hub and had the country's first commercial oilfield which, for a while, was the largest oil and gas production base in the entire British Empire as it stood then.
Hell’s Half Acre by David Finch is a meticulously researched and entertaining tale of the townsfolk of Turner Valley, and those who came from further afield to make it all happen back in the day. The author, who has been researching the social history of Western Canada’s oil and gas industry since the 1980s and has no fewer than 15 books about the region to his name, recounts where it all began in earnest for the province.
The drilling rigs, processing plants and pipelines are all there, and so are anecdotes of the wildcatters and workers who put it all in place, who made it happen and who lived to tell their tales. In order to make for a lively narration, Finch has gelled archived material and the dozens of interviews he conducted extremely well. But this pragmatic book of just over 200 pages, not only narrates a tale of commercial success, but also what costs were paid by Turner Valley in its (and by default) Canada's historic quest for black gold; an effort, which as fate would have it, was sandwiched between the two World Wars.
Hell's Half Acre is a very real place in a coulee just outside of Turner Valley, writes Finch. For two decades, companies piped excess natural gas to the lip of this gorge and burned it – in order to produce valuable gasoline they had to also produce the natural gas for which there were limited markets at the time. In fact, the glowing sky could be seen as far south west as Calgary, the author tells us.
Canada's national treasure also became a military target for while. At its height, and before peaking in 1942, the Turner Valley provided 10 million barrels per day towards the Allied War Effort. As you would expect, what was then (and still is) a cyclical industry saw its own booms and busts. The companies and their cast of characters from Turner Valley have also been delved into, and in some detail, by Finch.
The Oilholic first came across this book on a visit to Calgary and a chance visit to DeMille Bookstore at the recommendation of a local legal expert. For that, this blogger is truly grateful to all parties concerned, and above all to the author for enriching one's knowledge about this fascinating place. Hence, this review was long overdue!
Today Turner Valley, a harbinger of the success of Canada's oil and gas industry, is known for tourism, leisure and for being the hometown of Laureen Harper, the frank and vivacious wife of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. So Finch's colourful book could serve as a timely reminder of the importance of a bygone era as Turner Valley begins the countdown to its centennial celebrations of the 1914 discovery of oil.
The Oilholic is happy to recommend this book to all those interested in the history of the oil and gas business, origins of the Canadian energy industry, Alberta's place in the global geopolitical oil and gas equation and last, but not the least, anyone seeking a riveting book about the Great Alberta Oil Patch.
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© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo: Front Cover – Hell’s Half Acre © Heritage House Publishing