
Thursday, November 21, 2013

‘Frackers’ & US coffers plus other crude matters

US Interior Secretary Sally Jewell should be a happy bunny this week say contacts in Houston town. In fact since morning, no fewer than nine have pointed this out to The Oilholic.

That is because Jewell's Interior Department has collected and disbursed over US$14.2 billion this week courtesy of a record royalties and fees windfall from oil & gas drilling on public land and US territorial waters for the fiscal year ending September 30. The figure is the second-highest collection on file and represents an annualised increase of $2 billion over the last fiscal year.

Fracking and horizontal drilling coupled with increasing interest in offshore E&P are being seen as the drivers. There is one caveat though, the figure does include proceeds of a bonus licensing bid in the Gulf of Mexico that took place in 2012, but was put on ledgers for 2013. In a statement, Jewell said, "The figure reflects significant energy production from public resources in the United States and serves as critical revenue stream for federal and state governments and tribal communities."

While the Interior Secretary stopped short of blessing the frackers, they are chuffed to bits and there is a fair bit of table thumping here. Let's also not forget that despite the frenetic pace of E&P activity in North Dakota, the state of Texas remains the country's largest producer of the crude stuff. That position is likely to be retained on account of fracking, enhanced oil recovery techniques being deployed, horizontal drilling and many established extraction sites that are chugging along nicely.

There is one positive domino effect which is largely going under the radar – Houston is leading the global race in the manufacture and shipping of oil & gas equipment manufacturing from blowout preventers to wellheads. Some of equipment can be loaded conventionally, but the rest – i.e. break bulk (heavy equipment which cannot be shipped in conventional containers) loading is also creating additional revenue streams in the state.

According to the Port of Houston, the facility handles nearly 70% of the US' entire break bulk cargo. Some here say jobs have more than doubled since 2005; Texas (along with North Dakota) also has the lowest unemployment rates in the country to brag about. Recent research conducted by McKinsey and IHS Global Insight came out bullish on the industry's long term potential for job creation – with both forecasting the creation of 1.7 million and 3.9 million jobs by 2020 and 2025 respectively.

Now that tells you something, especially as the US is poised to overtake Russia and Saudi Arabia and become the world's largest producer in barrels of oil equivalent terms. Strangely enough though, some of the majors such as Shell and BHP Billiton have apparently not got it right. The former has cut its shale production projections while the latter has put up half of its oil & gas land holdings right here in Texas as well as New Mexico for sale.

ExxonMobil's exit from shale exploration in Poland has also slightly dented the hypothesis of America exporting its nous on shale overseas. Some geologists have long warned that no one size fits all shale beds! Nonetheless, its early days yet on the knowledge export front at least.

Going beyond Texan borders, the positive impact of major upstream project start-ups on cash generation in the global integrated oil & gas industry in 2014-15, as well as continuing robust crude price conditions, have resulted in a change of outlook for the sector by Moody's to 'positive' from 'stable'. Up until this month, the ratings agency's outlook had been stable since September 2011.

Francois Lauras, senior credit officer in Moody's corporate finance group, said, "With crude prices set to remain robust, we expect that the start-up and ramp-up of major upstream projects over the next 12-18 months will benefit companies' production profiles and operating cash flow generation, and lead the industry's EBITDA to grow in the mid-to-high single digits year-on-year in 2014, albeit with more of the improvement showing in the latter part of the year."

"Downstream operations will remain under pressure, but EBITDA from refining and marketing operations will stabilise near their 2013 levels," he adds. Furthermore, Lauras feels that the global integrated oil and gas sector's capital investment in 2014 will remain close to its record levels of 2013.

The completion of the major upstream projects currently under construction will hold the key to the sector's return to positive free cash flow in the medium term. Integrated oil & gas companies will also continue to manage their asset portfolios actively and will execute further asset sales, supporting their financial profiles, Moody's concluded.

Finally, the Oilholic leaves you with glimpses of The Woodlands (see above, click to enlarge), a suburb of Houston, dedicated by none other than the late George Mitchell, a man credited for pioneering fracking.

Founded in 1974 as a largely residential area, today it houses commercial operations of many companies including those of a crude variety such as Anadarko, Baker Hughes and one GeoSouthern energy, a Blackstone Group backed company. It was one of the first to take a punt on the Eagle Ford shale prospection area and has just sold shale acreage to Devon Energy.

That's all for the moment from Houston folks! Keep reading, keep it 'crude'!

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© Gaurav Sharma 2013. Photo 1: Pump Jacks, Perryton © Joel Sartore / National Geographic. Photo 2: Collage of The Woodlands, Texas, USA © Gaurav Sharma, November 2013.

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