
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BP’s profit, Saudi price targets & CNOOC in Canada

Its quarterly results time and there is only one place to start – an assessment of how BP’s finances are coping in wake of Macondo. Its quarterly data suggests the oil major made profits of US$5.3 billion in the three months to June-end. This is down marginally from the US$5.5 billion it made in Q1 2011 and a predictable reversal of the US$17 billion loss over the corresponding quarter last year when the cost of the Gulf of Mexico spill weighed on its books.

Elsewhere in the figures, BP's oil production was down 11% for the quarter on an annualised basis and the company has also sold US$25 billion worth of assets to date, partly to offset costs of the clean-up operation in the Gulf. City analysts told the Oilholic that BP should count itself lucky as the crude price has been largely favourable over the last 12 months.

Moving away from BP, it is worth turning our attention to the perennially crude question, what price of black gold is the Saudi Arabian Government comfortable with? An interesting report published by Riyadh-based Jadwa Investment suggests that the “breakeven” price for oil that matches actual revenues with expenditures is currently around US$84 per barrel for the Kingdom, comfortably below the global price.

The Oilholic agrees with the report’s authors - Brad Bourland and Paul Gamble – that it is bit rich to assume the Saudis crave perennially high oil prices. Au contraire, high oil prices actually hurt Saudi Arabia’s long term future. Bourland and Gamble feel the Kingdom would be more comfortable with prices below US$100 per barrel; actually a range of US$70-90 per barrel is more realistic.

Using either benchmark, prices are comfortably above the range and are likely to stay there for the rest of the year, if that is what the Saudis are comfortable with. Analysts at Société Générale CIB maintain their view for Brent prices to be in the US$110-120 range in H2 2011 on mixed fundamental and non-fundamental drivers. They note that there may be some slight upside to their Brent forecast, and some moderate downside to their WTI forecast. At 8:00 GMT, ICE Brent forward month futures contract was trading at US$118.04 and WTI at US$99.56.

Looking from a long term macroeconomic standpoint, the Jadwa Investment report notes that after the benign decade ahead, unless the current spending and oil trends are changed, Saudi Arabia faces a very different environment. For instance, domestic consumption of oil, now sold locally for an average of around US$10 per barrel, will reach 6.5 million barrels per day in 2030, exceeding oil export volumes. Jadwa Investment does not expect total Saudi oil production to rise above 11.5 million barrels per day by 2030.

Even with a projected slowdown in growth of government spending, the breakeven price for oil will be over a whopping US$320 per barrel in 2030. Furthermore, the Saudi government will be running budget deficits from 2014, which become substantial by the 2020s. By 2030, foreign assets will be drawn down to minimal levels and debt will be rising rapidly.

Before you go “Yikes”, preventing this outcome, according to Bourland and Gamble, requires tough policy reforms in areas such as domestic pricing of energy and taxation, an aggressive commitment to alternative energy sources, especially solar and nuclear power, and increasing the Kingdom’s share of global oil production. By no means a foregone conclusion, but not all that easy either.

Continuing with the Middle East, apart from crushing dissent and chastising the US government for interference, the Syrian government is apparently also open for crude business. In an announcement on July 7th, the creatively named General Establishment for Geology and Mineral Resources (GEGMR) under auspices of the Syrian Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ministry invited IOCs to bid and develop oil shale deposits in the Khanser region in the north. The Ministry says total crude reserves at the site are “estimated” at 39 billion tonnes with the oil content rate valuation at 5 to 11%.

While the tender books, costing US$3,000 each were issued on July 1st, the Ministry declined to answer how many were sold, who took them up and how the bid round is supposed to work in face of international condemnation of what is transpiring within its borders.

Elsewhere, Chinese state behemoth CNOOC’s recent acquisition of a 100% stake in OPTI Canada Inc, a TSX-listed oil sands producer, made the headlines. The aggregate consideration for the transaction is about US$2.1 billion. OPTI owns a 35% working interest in four oil sands projects in Canada – Long Lake, Kinosis, Leismer and Cottonwood.

Kai Hu, Vice President and Senior Analyst at Moody’s, says "CNOOC investment in this transaction is in line with the company's strategy of growing reserves, partly through overseas acquisitions. This investment – as well as its the previous investments in Eagle Ford and Niobrara shale gas projects – indicate its strong interest in gaining experience in unconventional oil and gas reserves.”

As such, Moody’s feels CNOOC Aa3 issuer and senior unsecured ratings will not be immediately affected by its acquisition. It also helps that there are no US-style murmurings of dissent in Canadian political circles.

© Gaurav Sharma 2011. Photo: Pipeline in Alaska © Kenneth Garrett, National Geographic

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