
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yachting, Golfing & Blogging after BP's Oil-spill

As the BP-spill, its containment, aftermath, costs and impact on the industry are scrutinised from all possible angles, side issues which dominate the headlines are about as farcical as they can be. It emerged on June 20 that BP’s egregious CEO Tony Hayward took a break from overlooking the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and committing a series of PR disasters, to spend a day with his teenage son on Father’s day, yachting off the “pristine” (as many American media outlets stress) coast of the UK.

US politicians never loathe showing false anger and lost no time in criticising him, with the charge being led by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. However, it then emerged that President Obama, carted off for a few rounds of golf taking the Vice-President along for the ride, that’s after attending a baseball game for good measure. This enabled his opponents to level the same criticism at him and made his Chief of staff look like a jack-ass (as if he needed any help in that department).

Blogger Scott Coen asked why different rules should apply for both men facing criticism for the handling of the ongoing spill? As did UK's Telegraph newspaper. Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele couldn’t agree more putting in his two bits worth. Some were busy revealing how much in political campaign donations had President Obama taken from BP. Turns out he's on top of the pile. Wonder if they will even exchange Christmas cards this year.

Yours truly also felt the need to go beyond his own blog – say a thing or two on BBC reporter Robert Peston and Mark Mardell Blogs. (Click image icons below for text)

As everyone big or small exchanges hot air, tragically the oil spill is far from being plugged amid worries that Tropical storm Alex might hit the spill area this week thereby hampering containment operations.

© Gaurav Sharma 2010. Photo Courtesy © BBC

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